dilluns, 26 de març del 2012



  • Empowering means individuals are guided by a clearly ariticulated vision of where the organization is going and how they can contribute as individuals. We all desire to know the purpose of the activities in which we engage, what the ultimate objective is, and how we fit into that objective. 
  • Several studies confirm that the most effective way to articulate a vision in a clear and energizing way is by using word pictures, stories, metaphors, and reallife examples. That is, individuals are more likely to understand a vision if it has both right brain (intuitive, pictorial, story-based) as well as left brain (logical, reasonable, performance-based) elements associated with it.
  • For example, if we are gearing up a finacial executive training program, when we show the film "Inside the jobs", or in extend to which we will teach economic history, these executive will have a vision of the personal consecuences of their decisions, when they take decisions with self-determination considering of several alternatives, and they may concern with meaning or how significant are they decisions in the economic world. 
    • SMART goals is a guide that it enhances specific behaviors goals that it carry to outcomes as well as accountability  in the individuals:
      • Specific goals.
      • Measurable goals.
      • Aligned goals.
      • Realistic goals.
      • Time-bound goals.


  • Empower other people is to help them experience personal mastery over some challenge or problem. By successfully accomplishing a task, defeating an opponent, or resolving a problem, people develop a sense of mastery. Personal mastery can be fostered by providing people with the opportunity to accomplish successively more difficult tasks that eventually lead to the accomplishment of desirable goals. The key is to start with easy tasks and then progress by small steps to more difficult tasks until the person experiences a sense of mastery over an entire complex problem. 
  • Managers can help others feel increasingly empowered by assisting them develop an awareness that they can succeed. One way to do this is by breaking apart large tasks and giving workers only one part at a time. Job can be expanded incrementally so that tasks become broader and more complex as workers master the basic elements.
  • This way of do things step a step is called small wins strategy. Continouosly smalls wins leads to a big achievement.

      3. MODELING:

  • To model or show the correct behavior that a worker has to perform in their jobs, is other way to empower. Observing someone else succeed at challenging activities, provides a forcefull impetus for others to believe that they, too, can succeed.
  • In other words, empowering people involves making availeble examples of past success. 


  • Providing people with social and emotional suppor could help to strive empowerment. If people are to feel empowered managers should praise them, encourage them, express approval of them, back them, and reassure them.
  • Managers can empower others, then, by engendering a feeling that they are accepted, taht they are a valued asset, that they are accepted, that they are an integral part of the overall organizational mission or objective. This support can come from either the manager or colleagues.


  • Emotional arousal means replacing negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, or crabbiness with positive emotions such as excitement, passion, or anticipation. Managers help make the work environment fun and attractive. They ensure that people´s right brain (the side that controls emotions and passions) is involved in the work as well as their left brain (the side that controls logic and analysis). The provide positive energy to people, and positive energy is easy to detect in people. When we interact with some people they seem to give us life and vigor. Other people seem to be life-depleting or netatively energizing. 
  • Emotional arousal occurs more likely when what individuals are doing is connected to values they hold dear. To feel a sense of expowerment, workers must see how what they are doing every day is associated with their basic beliefs.
  • Managers can also increase workers' sense of empowerment by holding periodic social gatherings to foster friendships among coworkers.

  • Acquiring information that is viewed as central or strategic in an organization, can be used to build a power base and to make oneself indespensable and influential in that organization.
  • Providing workers with central and strategic information, people gain a sense of expowerment and are more likely to work with the manager´s wishes.
  • The manager actually enhances his or her power base by involving others in the pursuit of desirable outcomes.
  • With more information, people tend to experience more self-determination, personal control, and trust.
  • A manager who wishes to increase an employee´s sense of empowerment will make sure that the employee is given all task-relevant information needed to carry out an assignment.
  • If the information is relevant in the worked context related with their specific task, the organization policies, customers, or the market research staff; in this cases, overload is less likely to occur, so wokers anxiety and burnout with too much data, it might not succeed regardless lack of information.

  • Empowerment is also fostered by providing people with other kinds of resources that help them accomplish their tasks. When managers become "resources directors and obstacle eliminators", they don´t need to represent directors and commanders. One of the primary missions of empowering managers, then, is to help others accomplish their objectives.
  • Materials resources, adequate and ongoing training and development experiences, technical and administrative support, therefore space, time, and equipment are tools which allow to enhance workers empowerment. 
  • They will ensure that these people have access to communication or interpersonal networks that will make their jobs easier. 
  • We can´t have everything he or she desires, the most important resources that empowering managers can provide are those that help people achieve control over their own work and lives; thats means fostering a sense of self-efficacy and self-determination.
  • Empowerment boost when they can see the outcomes of effects of their work, this connection to ultimate customer it will be a source of improvement ideas. For example, resolving problems on the spot.
  • Creating task identity consists of the opportunity to accomplish a whole task. Having task identity implies that individuals can plan, implement, and evaluate the success of their efforts.
  • Clarifying hte connections between individuals´ work and their outcomes and effects fosters empowerment by helping others develop a sense of self-efficacy and a sense of personal consequence.


  • Creating a sense of confidence among workers in the trustworthiness of the manager. Rather than being on guard and suspicious, workers are secure in their feeling that the manager and the organization are honorable. This confidence helps drive out uncertainty, insecurity, and ambiguity in the relationships between employees and the manager.
  • Mistrust behavior is wasteful and unproductive, because people distrust one another, they don´t try hard, they don´t communicate clearly and they don´t collaborate.
  • On the other side, people´s trust leads to experience free, to learn and to contribute without fear of retribution.
  • In addition, admirable and honorable people always create positive energy for others and make them feel more capable.
  • Five factors are specially important in creating a sense of confidence:
    • Reliability:
    • Fairness:
    • Caring:
    • Openness:
    • Competence:

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